5 Jun 2013

Help Is Not a Four Letter Word…Well, You Know What I Mean


      I absolutely love my job.  I know that every time I sit with a client, I am living my purpose  to help others resolve and move past the pain and create the lives they really want.  However, there are moments when I am counseling my clients and I realize, I need to […]

1 Apr 2013

Spring Cleaning for Success Part 2


  It is time for the next part of my  Spring Cleaning series! Last month, I wrote about clearing out the physical clutter from your life to make space for what is most meaningful to you.  This month, we will be working on clearing out the mental clutter. There is some serious science behind clearing […]

5 Mar 2013

Spring Cleaning for Success!


Even though it still feels like the dead of winter, spring is right around the corner. I don’t know about you, but once the weather is warm, the last thing I want to do is be inside doing my spring cleaning. That’s why I want to encourage you to do it now. Spring cleaning can take […]

1 Jan 2013

Let’s Revamp Your Resolutions


Last year at this time I asked you, “Is your resolution a revolving door?” This year I am wondering if you have bothered to make one at all. Personally, I don’t make New Years Resolutions for a number of reasons: 1.  Trying to make changes is more daunting after being out of routine. 2.  It […]

5 Sep 2012

Has Your Routine Become A Rut?


For most of us, celebrating Labor Day has nothing to do with honoring the struggles and triumphs of the American worker. It has become a bittersweet holiday that commemorates the end of relaxed schedules, vacations and dining al fresco. The Labor Day barbecues can only temporarily distract us from the grim reality that the end […]

4 Jun 2012

Are You Feeling Fuzzy Or Focused?


I am hearing from a lot of my patients that they are feeling scattered lately.  Many attribute this feeling to external factors and there certainly are a lot of things to grab their attention and energy. The reality is that the external situation is not the issue. Imagine looking at a photograph that is out […]

1 May 2012

Crazy or Self-Indulgent? Neither!


  I was speaking recently with a fellow psychotherapist about the differences between working in New York City and working in the suburbs. When I was living and working in New York City, psychotherapy was viewed as a vehicle for self-improvement. The biggest surprise to me since moving my practice to Westfield, is that there […]

1 Jan 2012

Is Your Resolution A Revolving Door


Have you become numb to the idea of New Year’s resolutions? You are not alone.  Most New Year’s resolutions are broken by the end of January.   Have you ever wondered why do we fail, year after year, to make the changes that we are so optimistic about on January 1? The reality is that […]

10 Oct 2011

Do You Feel Frazzled Every Fall?


Oh, autumn…School is back in session. We should have more time on our hands, right? Then why do we feel like we are always rushing? There has been a lot of press recently about the negative affects of over-scheduling for children.   I think we need to consider what over-scheduling does to the parents. More and […]

6 May 2011

When You Know Better


One thing I try to avoid with my kids is hypocrisy.  It is for that reason that I never say to them, “You know better than that!”  Believe me, I feel like saying it on an almost daily basis.  However, I refrain because, the ugly truth is, could also say it to myself just as […]