Are You Ready to Look for the Silver Lining of Sandy’s Dark Clouds?

I have no idea if she was right about the Chinese symbol, but the message is one that holds true.
In NJ, we are a bit traumatized by the severe storms of last year. Now that Sandy is upon us, we must assess, accept and prepare for the very real dangers of the storm. In the Cohen home, we are no strangers to floods. Thus, to prepare the basement, we rolled up the area rugs, raised the sofas on paint cans, the kids even got every single Lego off the floor! We have flashlights, candles, water and we (finally) got a generator. However now that our preparations are complete we must let go of what we cannot control and shift our perspective to look for the opportunity.
For me, the forced downtime is a good upside of the bad weather.
Here are some suggestions of opportunities you might take advantage of if you are also stuck inside for the next 48 hours:
- Stay in your pajamas all day.
- Read for hours.
- Tackle project in your home that you’ve been avoiding like cleaning out your junk drawers and closets.
- Build a fort with your kids out of the pillows on your couch.
- Write a letter to friend or relative.
- Look at old photo albums.
I hope that the damage and danger is minimal and you find opportunities of your own to help you weather the storm.