Summer is the Perfect Time to Grow
July really is the sweet spot of summer for me. It’s a season of growth, not just in the garden, but in my personal life as well. My kids are at sleep away camp, which frees up a lot of time. All this free time allows me the luxury of dreaming about the future and planning for that dream to come to become reality.
Many of us are lucky enough to have achieved the vision we had for ourselves when we were younger. We had dreams of being in a happy relationship, having a family, having a rewarding career. We have worked hard and life feels steady. This is all great, but sometimes that stability can result in stagnation.
Parents, in particular, become so focused on their children’s growth and development that they (unintentionally) put their own personal growth on hold.
Most people are so swept up in the day to day that they don’t even realize that they’ve stopped growing.
Some of us daydream but we tend to focus on the negative. We waste time and energy conjuring up possible negative outcomes. We prepare for ‘worst case scenarios’ that never happen rather than dreaming up the best possible outcome. Negative daydreaming keeps us stuck while positive daydreams help us to grow.
When was the last time you took time to purposely visualize your ideal future?
If stability is starting to feel stagnant or you know you need to grow but have no idea what your next steps should be, click here to schedule a free 30 minute call with me. During the call, we create a vision for how you want your life to be, uncover what’s keeps you stuck, put together an action plan for moving you forward. It’s a pretty power packed 30 minutes if you ask me!