The Not-So Secret Ingredient To Happiness
Do you find yourself comparing your life with others’, marveling at how other people seem “to have it all together”? Sometimes we can lose ourselves in wondering how we measure up to some standard set by ourselves, our families or by the community at large. Comparison keeps us in what I call “The Mindset of […]
LMNOP Is Not One Letter
Autumn is always a time of flux for me. My life, both personally and professionally, is impacted by the academic calendar much more so than the traditional one. While adjusting my schedule and expectations every fall, I feel unsettled and I yearn to feel the comforts of routine again. Whether transitions come from external factors […]
A Managed Forest
I am often asked how psychotherapy really works. After all, just talking about something does not necessarily improve it. I try to explain that my job as a therapist is to help the client see their situation from a different perspective. It is from this new perspective that relief can be found. In a documentary […]
Need to Work On Your Procrastination Habit? Don’t Wait Until Tomorrow
It is natural to avoid tasks that we find unpleasant. How can we give ourselves the kick in the pants to get over our procrastination? I recommend trying to address some the pretexts commonly used in avoidance. 1. We tell ourselves that there is a “better” time to address the task or issues. However, we must […]
Focus on a Simple Solution
There was recently an article in the New York Times magazine about the process of rumination and its possible evolutionary benefits. Frankly, I find that for most people, rumination results in feeling of mental and emotional paralysis. I try to be a solution-oriented person. There is only so long I can listen to myself complain […]