Emerge and See
In a recent New York Times Magazine article, will.i.am described how he plays with words. For example, emerge and see. He stated, To emerge and see what is happening is truly an emergency. While I like what he is trying to say, I think he has it backward. A mentor once told me that the […]
The Melancholy Mommy Quiz
Below is a series of questions to help determine if you are a Melancholy Mommy. If you answer true to many of these questions, you might want to consider getting help from a licensed professional. At the very least, discuss how you are feeling with loved ones and friends to get extra support. […]
Motherhood: The Toughest Job You’ll Ever Love?
I have often thought that the motto for the Peace Corps, The Toughest Job Youll Ever Love, might better apply to motherhood. After all, parenting is truly a labor of love. It is our responsibility to teach our children to navigate the outside world, both physically and emotionally, from the moment they are born. From […]
When Mommy Has The Blues
I just finished speaking with a friend who doesnt seem to be herself lately. A dedicated parent of two, my friend is tired all the time but has trouble sleeping. She either has no appetite or binges on junkfood. She no longer finds joy in the simple pleasures of life. She feels overwhelmed by her […]