Whew… that was a close one!
As you may know I have been very busy in 2017. In January, I was focused on creating my first webinar, 6 Steps to FEEL in Love All Over Again and February was spent getting to know so many amazing couples who enrolled in my online coaching program The Relationship Roadmap. All of this was […]
What Do Potholes Have to Do with Your Relationship?
It’s always around this time of year that the winter blues start setting in. It’s dark and cold and most of us just want to hibernate. When we do go out we have to deal with the damage the cold weather leaves behind: potholes. Potholes turn a simple ride to work into a stressful obstacle […]
Revolution, not resolution
A New Year’s resolution is basically a declaration of your intentions. The most common resolutions involve working on yourself: living a healthier lifestyle, being more organized, getting a new job, etc. Here’s the problem: Most of us choose our resolutions from a lack mindset. They are often focused on areas of our lives where we […]
Merry Chrismukkah!
All cultures have their own unique customs regarding the winter holidays, most include giving gifts. The general function is the same: to strengthen bonds between the giver and receiver. That may sound simple, but giving gifts is surprisingly complex, especially between the people who mean the most to us. Giving and receiving from each […]
Are You Always Exhausted?
Have you noticed that feeling exhausted is now the common cold of the human condition? We act like its not that debilitating. We pretend it doesnt really negatively affect the people around us. We think that we dont have to do anything about it and it will eventually resolve itself. Exhaustion and depletion are not […]
The Freedom We Take for Granted
No matter how crazy and chaotic our country seems right now, we still enjoy amazing freedoms that we take for granted everyday. A cornerstone of our personal freedom is the First Amendment, which protects freedom of speech, press, religion, assembly and petition. Of course, the protection of speech is not absolute. There are specific restrictions including time, place, and manner. […]
Is Your Phone Sabotaging Your Relationships?
We live in a world where we are expected to be almost constantly available to everyone in our social network and work. At the same time, we expect that our partner is interested and engaged when spending time together. This Catch-22 leads to what I call, digital abandonment. Digital abandonment occurs when the use of […]
Want to Have the Strength Of An Olympian? Here’s the secret.

Every four years, I am overcome with Summer Olympic Fever. I love the pageantry of the opening ceremony, the sentimentality of the medal ceremonies, and the amazing focus and dedication of the athletes. I marvel at the power and control they have over their muscles after years of training. However, watching the games this year […]
Are You Dealing with More Sh*t Than You Need To?
“I am so sick of wiping this kid’s ass! She’s five years old, for god’s sake. I do everything for these kids and they appreciate none of it,” Ashley said as she walked in. Clearly, Ashley was having a bit of a mommy meltdown. After allowing her to vent until she ran out of breath, […]
Want to Save Time and Money?
Did you know that self-help books are an 11 billion dollar industry and 80% of buyers are repeat buyers? It is the world’s best-selling genre. Because I promised to save you time and money I’ll get right to the point. Below is the best self-help book you’ll ever read. Chapter 1: I walk […]